
The Investigations Division encompasses General Investigations, including Crime Scene Investigations and the Special Investigations Unit and the Records Section.

The General Investigations Unit is responsible for conducting follow-up investigation on criminal cases. The Unit recognizes the importance of making follow-up contacts on criminal cases to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the investigation and to present as complete a case as possible to the Yolo County District Attorney's Office for prosecution. To that end, the appropriate employee must review each report and, when necessary, make follow-up contacts with the victim. This is necessary to ensure the proper recording of facts, to identify new or additional information, and to inform the complainant of the status of the case. The goal of a criminal investigation is to verify the occurrence of a crime, and identify, charge, and apprehend the suspects. The Investigations Unit is supervised by a sergeant and 7 detectives who are responsible for investigating the following:

  • Crimes Against Persons - investigation of homicides, questionable deaths, robberies, aggravated assaults, adult missing persons, and CVSA (Computer Voice Stress Analyzer.)
  • Property Crimes - investigation of property crimes including vandalism, burglary, theft, and receiving stolen property.
  • Economic Crimes - investigation of white-collar crimes, including forgery, fraud, misuse of credit cards, Identity Theft, embezzlement, and High-Tech Crimes.
  • Auto Theft - investigation of stolen vehicles (felony and misdemeanor), and receiving stolen property offenses involving vehicles.
  • Crimes against Juveniles and Sexual Assaults - investigation of child neglect or abuse, rape, and other sex offenses (felony and misdemeanor.)
  • Domestic Violence - investigation of such violence and providing victim advocate services to crime victims and witnesses.

Crime Scene Investigators are skilled, trained specialists in processing crime scenes for all types of evidence. This unit collects, processes, and forwards evidence to the Department of Justice for analysis on a variety of crimes. The Crime Scene Investigations Unit is staffed with two CSIs. These technicians are experts at courtroom testimony and the reconstruction of crime scenes.

Crime tips can be sent directly to Investigations via email at or by calling the Crime Tip Hotline (916) 617-4747. Provide as much detail as possible along with call back information should there be any questions. All callback information will remain confidential.

Crime tips can also be sent to Crime Alert

The Investigations Division is headed by Lieutenant Ryan Lukins. Lt. Lukins can be contacted at